Index & Resources
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Open Communication
I would like to take a brief moment to emphasize the importance of player and DM communication, once again. Even with as much time that is spent around the game table during a typical game session, it is easy to forget to take time and interact with the players rather than just the characters. Even if you are rushed for time at a comic book shop or convention, it helps to take some time to be congenial and personable with your game group. Don't make the game more important to you than the people playing it.
And don't jump the gun on getting things started, either. Give the group adequate time to greet one another and make sure introductions have been made. If you are running a more casual game with friends, schedule some time before playing to enjoy the company. Tabletop RPGs need not become a chore to be completed as soon as possible.
At the end of sessions, allow your group a wind-down, if possible. Take some time to reflect on the game and share some favorite moments between friends. If there were any issues that need to be addressed, or changes to be made to the game, wait a bit before discussing it. After a while has passed, you may ask your players what they enjoyed or didn't enjoy about the session. Listen carefully to their answers, and be considerate of their feelings. Don't take criticism personally, use any input they provide constructively, to create the most enjoyable game experience possible. Remember, clear communication is the key to the best games and adventures!
Welcome self-expression in your game group, and invite an open dialogue with your players about the game and your contributions to it. Better to keep things above board, and invite an open forum of opinions and ideas than to ignore them for the sake of keeping a campaign running. Players make the game, so take the time to listen and share with your fellow adventurers. Your tabletop endeavors will be all the more fruitful for your efforts.
Happy ventures!
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